Specializing in Tough Times

What do we mean exactly by specializing in tough times? Simple. If you are selling due to an unfortunate situation such as loss of job, job transfer, divorce, probate, etc… we discount our commission to keep more money in your pocket. Every problem qualifies. We are fortunate to be able to make a living in other aspects of real estate and take pride in being able to give a discount to the people who need it. 


What you can expect at your first meeting:


1) A detailed comparative market analysis report. This will help you understand what your property is worth, in its current condition on the open market.

-We will walk your property and give you suggestions to where you can build value in your home before putting it on the market.

-We will break down the sale to show you all of the costs involved in the sale of your property.

-We will show you exactly how much you are saving by using us as your Realtors.


2) A cash offer.

-This is a great option for clients in need of a quick, hassle free sale.

-No showings

-No mortgage contingencies

-Often closing within 2 weeks.


Quite simply, we won’t take advantage of your misfortune. We’re here to make the process as stress free as possible.


Fill out the information on our site and one of the owners will contact you immediately to set up an in home consultation.


Open 24 hours/7 Days a week!