Investment Options

Option 1

 We handle acquisition, consulting, project supervision and pay all remodeling and closing costs. We pay you 10% annual rate of return on your investment interest paid quarterly. Investment period 12 months. 

Option 2

We handle acquisition, consulting, project supervision and pay all remodeling and closing costs. We pay you 5% (5 points) on your principle investment or $5,000.00 whichever is less PLUS 8% annual rate of return paid when the transaction closes. Investment period 12 months. 

Option 3

We handle acquisition, consulting, project supervision and we pay all remodeling and closing costs. We pay you 8% annual interest rate PLUS 15% of the net profit from each deal. Total payout at the close of the transaction when we sell the property. Investment period 12 months. 

Option 4

We handle acquisition, consulting, project supervision and pay all remodeling and closing costs. We pay you 50 % of the net profit from the investment at the close of the transaction. Investment period 12 months. 

Option 5

We handle acquisition & consulting. You purchase the property from us using our proprietary real estate acquisition formula. We make our money on the difference between what we can get the property for and your final purchase price.

Option 6

We handle the acquisition & consulting. You pay us the upfront fee of $10,000.00 PLUS at closing you will pay us an additional 10 % of the gross profit and you keep 100% of the balance! Deal by deal basis. 


If none of these options fit you, give us a call and we can discuss a way for you to get involved.